Medical Services
Dental Services
Mental Health Services
CHC Purpose
What We Do
How To Get Help

As a second grader, Flor suffered from over 9 rotten teeth that her family could not afford to treat. Flor's teeth caused her pain and also embarrassment as she played on the playground and studied at school. When she smiled, it was with her lips pinched together and she always covered her mouth when she laughed. When Flor's mother was referred by the school nurse to Community Health Connect she was relieved to know that she could get help for her daughter. Flor and her mother both received a basic oral health education class, Flor received oral hygiene services, and restorative work was done on her teeth at no charge through the generosity of a volunteer dentist. Flor's teeth no longer hurt, and she now has a beautiful smile that she willingly shares when she laughs.

Arturo Baca
When Arturo Baca was told that he would need a bilateral hip replacement, he did not realize the enormity of the situation he would have to face. A complete joint replacement is one of the hardest surgeries to coordinate… Arturo, while completely willing to work as hard as he can to make the payments for a surgery, has been unable to work due to the severe osteoarthritis in his hips… Nothing can adequately express the gratitude Arturo feels for being able to have this procedure done.

Ann Takasaki
“As a board member, it has been a privilege to see Community Health Connect as a vehicle for caring staff and generous health care providers that allows them to provide many people with extreme needs with the health care that in many cases changes their lives and gives them a second chance.”
Ann Takasaki is with the Utah Medical Association Alliance. The Alliance mission is dedicated to supporting healthy families and communities by working to provide education, advocacy, and charitable services, as well as supporting and building stronger medical families.
Our Impact Made In 2023
3191 Appointments
$1,042,970 Donations
234 Hours
Of Interpretation